Monday 15 September 2014


Photo via My Natural Sistas
Ok guys, I'm 95% decided on taking my locs down. These urges may come across as sudden but with these things I've harboured thoughts for months before and its only a matter of committing to the final step; in this case a leap.
These last few weeks I've found myself staring in the mirror trying to see myself with my loose natural hair again. When I do make the plunge it'll be for a cut similar to this one on the left. She is beautiful, radiant and glowing (which makes her cut even more appealing).
One huge error in judgement I find many naturalistas make is believing their hair texture will and should mimic that of others.
That type of thought often leads to big disappointments and long term frustration. How can you truly enjoy any journey if you constantly compare and throw lofty expectations? Your journey is YOUR journey. Nothing wrong with begin inspired but let's be real, not be so hard on ourselves and be open to the possibilities of uniqueness. There are so many factors that play into how and why our hair behaves differently regardless of hair types and products we use. Climates we live in, lifestyles and our diets are three that come to mind. Why would I want to take my hair down? It's not for lack of love of my still young locs but because I love change. I love new looks, I enjoy experimenting with new looks, I enjoy the process of caring/maintaining myself and the personal learning it offers. The advancements in natural hair and products to care for your mane are astonishing! Far different from the ideas and methods I grew up with. I'm so eager to enjoy and learn about my hair again in a new era. So I'm ready! No idea as to when exactly I'll begin taking down my babies but it will be soon! Stay tuned!

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