Tuesday 7 October 2014


A few months ago I decided I would allot a specific time during my days when I shut myself off from all incoming communication and allow myself peace and quiet with my thoughts in my space. Being so heavily involved in social media I can attest to how overwhelming it can become. At times you're feeling pressured to post, your audience may go so far as to pressure you to post and/or you may even become addicted. I find there are times when my focus becomes blurred. Some how I get to a point where all the problems come to the fore and the goals are drowned out. In those times taking a hiatus from it all usually brings clarity again.
What does all this have to do with hair? Taking down my locs for my loose natural hair this passed weekend is giving me everything I need at the moment. Things are far from perfect, I don't have qualms about that; I find more now than ever before I crave an escape. Adding the aspect of caring for my loose natural hair provides me that escape. Escape from deep seated dissatisfaction with my job, pressures of meeting life's commitments (bills, student debt, rising costs of living) dealing with the dynamics of family and friend relationships, the demands become a lot and can seem magnified when your morale is bruised otherwise. Any amount of time spent maintaining my hair at the end of my days takes me far, far away from it all. The longer it takes the better. Stay tuned later in the week for Loc'd to Loose Natural 2.0 a chronicle of my first week back to being a loose natural  via photos. Let me apologize in advance for the picture quality. I'm currently without my usual "selfie device" and have had to revert to an older model smartphone. Off to oil and massage my scalp. Blessings.

Sunday 5 October 2014


I finally had an entire weekend to myself with absolutely no plans so I kept a low profile, hunkered down and did it. The video has all the details. A sore, swollen thumb later I'm in love again and eager to try out all the opportunities for creativity. Enjoy the video!

Wednesday 17 September 2014


I sometimes wish I still had my other website. This post would be perfect. This one is not about hair at all but about life.

In between sleep gears.... the last time I woke like this I spent the following 6 hrs putting the ideas for what is now my own registered business on paper. By 10am that same day I had my website up and running. Rough but existing none the less.
I'm remembering when I was much younger and my very first career goal was to be a pilot. I went into the science stream in secondary school and my parents did everything to make sure I got extra lessons with the physics (and other subjects) I struggled with that I'd need to work toward becoming that pilot.
After I didn't make the grade, I turned to my second choice, to become an executive chef. By that time I had long flunked the home economics I was lead to believe I needed and I didn't make the grade (despite the extra help) with the subjects to get into "hotel school".
So, there I was no plan C, 16 years old, feeling less than average cause everyone I knew seemed to know where they were headed. Sixth form, UWI, community college, overseas... At that point my parents did what any parent would have done and found something for me to do. 14 years later I'm here.
I say all that to say this. At the end of the day things always work out. The process can't be rushed, it should be trusted every step of the way. I would have LOVED for anything to have sparked my true interest back then. Back then the "artsy people" were not taken seriously, "acted real weird" and traditional thinking very much ruled. Doctor, nurse, lawyer, teacher, bank manager, public servant.
Even though I wish I had enough gumption back then to explore those two career goals more on my own rather than let them die, I wouldn't change the journey for anything. Now that I have the autonomy and a strong foundation I know not to hold back and be afraid of failure. "If you never fail it means you're not even trying."

Monday 15 September 2014


Photo via My Natural Sistas
Ok guys, I'm 95% decided on taking my locs down. These urges may come across as sudden but with these things I've harboured thoughts for months before and its only a matter of committing to the final step; in this case a leap.
These last few weeks I've found myself staring in the mirror trying to see myself with my loose natural hair again. When I do make the plunge it'll be for a cut similar to this one on the left. She is beautiful, radiant and glowing (which makes her cut even more appealing).
One huge error in judgement I find many naturalistas make is believing their hair texture will and should mimic that of others.
That type of thought often leads to big disappointments and long term frustration. How can you truly enjoy any journey if you constantly compare and throw lofty expectations? Your journey is YOUR journey. Nothing wrong with begin inspired but let's be real, not be so hard on ourselves and be open to the possibilities of uniqueness. There are so many factors that play into how and why our hair behaves differently regardless of hair types and products we use. Climates we live in, lifestyles and our diets are three that come to mind. Why would I want to take my hair down? It's not for lack of love of my still young locs but because I love change. I love new looks, I enjoy experimenting with new looks, I enjoy the process of caring/maintaining myself and the personal learning it offers. The advancements in natural hair and products to care for your mane are astonishing! Far different from the ideas and methods I grew up with. I'm so eager to enjoy and learn about my hair again in a new era. So I'm ready! No idea as to when exactly I'll begin taking down my babies but it will be soon! Stay tuned!

Sunday 27 July 2014

Making The Cut

Shortly after my previous post I went to a popular local barber shop in my city and took the plunge. I had no prior second input on what I was about to do (which is normally the case) and frankly I feel like I get more done in general because of it.
The barber was great. It was the first time I'd ever been in barber shop and I'll admit the testosterone overload threw me off when I first stepped in.
I was armed with my Pinterest photos and all I needed to say was "I want this" and away the scissors went. I did not count how many locs were removed but it didn't look like a whole lot.
The shaver on my scalp made me feel slightly dizzy at first. Is that normal? In about half hour it was done and I fell in love with my hair all over again when I looked in the mirror. I'm glad the minimum was done because I can get used to it and next time make some more changes but I am pleased. Here are a couple selfies.

Saturday 26 July 2014

When A Woman Cuts Her Hair

Haven't posted to this blog in quite some time. To those who are following I apologize. So much has taken place since my last post earlier this year. I decided to discontinue the website to which this blog was attached and my absence can mostly be blamed on that.
Anyways, I'm back and my hair journey continues. I've since installed a color on my locs extensions using human afro kinky in color 33! Such a sassy look for the summer.
However, very recently I've been feeling a very strong urge to comb down the locs I've grown thus far to experience my loose natural hair again. What's the appeal you may ask?
I wore my hair natural up until the mid 90s and my mom always took care of it. At that point she began using the hot comb in my hair which eventually lead to relaxer. Back then natural hair was not the vibrant movement that it is today.
Very few natural hair stores existed; did youtube even exist yet? I remember natural hair products to be very limited and consisted of ingredients that weighed the hair down and did little to contribute to growth.
The new age natural hair movement very much highlights embracing individual hair types and hair stores are practically bursting with an array of products. The YouTube natural hair community is a wealth of education on styling and product reviews. There are countless inspirational journeys to be seen.
That being said I find myself wanting to experience my hair now that things are different. While my hair was loose I never was encouraged to wear an afro or any other open styles. Back then it was viewed as "a little too much expression". So I wore tamed styles or what we now classify as protective styles. Cornrows, occasionally extensions, plaits and always held together in a circle comb or scrunchie. That was "acceptable and neat".
Of course now that I'm curious I been looking for information and looks I'd like to achieve if I do decide to go ahead and take down my locs. I think the process will be gradual though. I'm extremely inspired by these dos at the moment. It's said when a woman cuts her hair she is about to change her life. Stay tuned!

Monday 13 January 2014



Found this video I did a while ago documenting how my loc journey all began. I don't believe I'll be doing anymore videos of the journey. Instead the process will be documented here. Have a watch and remember to share.