Tuesday 7 October 2014


A few months ago I decided I would allot a specific time during my days when I shut myself off from all incoming communication and allow myself peace and quiet with my thoughts in my space. Being so heavily involved in social media I can attest to how overwhelming it can become. At times you're feeling pressured to post, your audience may go so far as to pressure you to post and/or you may even become addicted. I find there are times when my focus becomes blurred. Some how I get to a point where all the problems come to the fore and the goals are drowned out. In those times taking a hiatus from it all usually brings clarity again.
What does all this have to do with hair? Taking down my locs for my loose natural hair this passed weekend is giving me everything I need at the moment. Things are far from perfect, I don't have qualms about that; I find more now than ever before I crave an escape. Adding the aspect of caring for my loose natural hair provides me that escape. Escape from deep seated dissatisfaction with my job, pressures of meeting life's commitments (bills, student debt, rising costs of living) dealing with the dynamics of family and friend relationships, the demands become a lot and can seem magnified when your morale is bruised otherwise. Any amount of time spent maintaining my hair at the end of my days takes me far, far away from it all. The longer it takes the better. Stay tuned later in the week for Loc'd to Loose Natural 2.0 a chronicle of my first week back to being a loose natural  via photos. Let me apologize in advance for the picture quality. I'm currently without my usual "selfie device" and have had to revert to an older model smartphone. Off to oil and massage my scalp. Blessings.

Sunday 5 October 2014


I finally had an entire weekend to myself with absolutely no plans so I kept a low profile, hunkered down and did it. The video has all the details. A sore, swollen thumb later I'm in love again and eager to try out all the opportunities for creativity. Enjoy the video!